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The key to magick is balance. The Devine Spirit has cleverly hidden our magick deep inside ourselves—within our seven chakras.
When our chakras are in balanced, we are happy and full of life. Everything flows easier, creating blessings—magick. But if one or more chakras are blocked, we feel depressed, negative, and stuck. Negative thoughts are a breeding ground for bad luck. A simple way to unblock a chakra is by cleansing and exercising them. Let’s take a look at the second chakra. The Sacral Chakra—Genital Chakra: This chakra gages your self-control. The essential oils are bergamot, cardamom, clary sage, neroli, orange, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang. Gemstones associated with the sacral chakra are carnelian and banded agate. The sacral chakra is located right below the belly button in the lower area of your stomach and rules a person’s sexual organs, lower portion of the spine, large intestines and the bladder. It also affects your emotions (love, fear, and hate) creativity, your ability to handle sexual relationships, and decision-making skills. If your sacral chakra is working correctly, you will have fewer physical ailments. You will have the proper motivation to make good decisions. Your sex life will be more fulfilling, and your creativity will be heightened. A blocked sacral chakra could show up as low back pain, constipation, and even sexual diseases. It can also cause depression and emotional distress. To unblock this chakra, move your pelvis. You can do pelvic thrusts or just swivel your hips around. Dancing is good for this, but make sure to focus on your pelvis. You can also mediate to unblock this chakra. Simply place your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers. To open the sacral chakra, concentrate and chant, “RAM.” In my next blog I will explore the third chakra—Solar Plexus Chakra. Peace