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The key to magick is balance. The Divine Spirit has cleverly hidden our magick deep inside of ourselves—within our seven chakras.
When our chakras are in balanced, we are happy and full of life. Everything flows easier, creating blessings—magick. But if one or more chakras are blocked, we feel depressed, negative, and stuck. Negative thoughts are a breeding ground for bad luck. Let’s explore the sixth chakra-Third Eye or Brow Chakra The sixth chakra is located in the middle of the forehead linking the eyebrows. The third eye chakra gives us the capacity foresight, to see things that are yet to come into being. This is our intuition, imagination and is the foundation of our psychic powers. This chakra connects us to the Great Spirit. The gemstones associated with the Third Eye or Brow Chakra: Lapis lazuli, azurite, fluorite, sodalite, quartz crystal, and sapphire. Incense: Acacia, Mugwort, Saffron, and Star Anise. When the third eye chakra is balanced, we feel confident and in control in our life and abilities. We are able to communicate and listen to our spirit guides/angels. If this chakra is out of balance, it can create negative influences in the body such as visual and sinus problems, headaches, spiritual fatigue, psychological problems or panic attacks and depression. To unblocking the sixth or third eye chakra: Lying flat and placing one of the associated crystals over the third eye and visualize an indigo light. Chant “ME. In my next blog I will explore the Seventh Chakra—Crown Chakra Peace